Category Archives: Uncategorized


Jesabel Nunez Arch 1121 Professor Mishara 3/12/2015   A city is a large town that contains many buildings. Whether they are malls, movie theatres or office buildings, they’re full of constant movement and people. An example would be New York … Continue reading

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What is Architecture?

Jesabel Nunez Arch 1121 Professor Mishara 2/6/2015   Architecture has various meanings and can be shown in a variety of ways. For starters, architecture means structure. Ever notice buildings, schools, churches etc.? Those are expressed architecture. An architect is a … Continue reading

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What is Architecture?

Fernando Guillen ARCH 1121               February 10, 2015 Barbara Smith Mishara                                                                                                                                                   Architecture                                                  Architecture is defined by as “the action or process of building; construction.” … Continue reading

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What is Architecture?

Architecture Architecture is defined as “the art or practice of designing and constructing buildings”. For me architecture is expressing ones idea and trying to make something out of it. Architecture is more than just an art of designing and constructing … Continue reading

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Via Sacra

The Via Sacra was the main street that lead straight to the top of the Capitoline Hill, to some important religious sites, finally to the Colosseum. The road was part of the traditional route of the Roman Triumph  that began on the outskirts … Continue reading

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What is a city?

What is a city? In my opinion a city is a place where is urbanely developed. This includes that there are buildings, important or famous structures, people, food sources, and many more things. A city has to be adaptable to … Continue reading

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Domus Augustana

The Domus Augustana was an enormous palace that was used for the Roman emperor’s private residence. A modern equivalent for this, would be the White House that is occupied by the president.

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the circus

The circus Maximus is an ancient Roman chariot racing stadium held for racing and sporting events. This would be compared to modern day stadiums where perhaps NASCAR or football events are held.

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I spy with my eyes a large location, a City

What makes a city is population and the money this population is able to bring in. Along with population and commerce, a city thrives on systems of operation. A sense of culture and belonging develop a city. According to Kevin Lynch a … Continue reading

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Triumphal Arch – Rome

The great triumphal arches of Rome were a spectacle to see. They served as a monument with archways, carvings, dedications, reliefs, and a possible statue. They were structures with piers, arches, and flat entablatures. They would be large enough to … Continue reading

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