What is Architecture?


Architecture is defined as ā€œthe art or practice of designing and constructing buildingsā€. For me architecture is expressing ones idea and trying to make something out of it. Architecture is more than just an art of designing and constructing buildings itā€™s more of a challenge to your mind and the way you see the world. Different people have different ideas, and thatā€™s what makes architecture special. Utilizing all the different information from people to put it into one thing that can actually become a building or something else in the world itā€™s amazing.

When I was in high school I had an art class we use to draw many things but there was this one piece that we had to draw that really caught my attention, it was different from the architecture that Iā€™m doing now but it somehow triggered that feeling of me wanting to come and study architecture. Of course that wasnā€™t the only thing that made me want to study architecture. The fact that I really like expressing my ideas in drawings is why Iā€™m studying architecture. You could design a simple cube and make so many things out of it using different ideas and express your feelings too while the cube can serve for something.

Thereā€™s nothing more that I want to be but an architect. Being at City Tech studying architecture has opened my mind into having different perspective of the world that is around me. Itā€™s just amazing when you go out there and see the skyscrapers you just think about the amount of time that was put into those buildings to make them look that amazing, and thatā€™s just something that you can look at for hours and study the structure of it and all the parts that were put into them.

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