City Definition

Ana Perez

After reading all the articles that were distributed in class, this was my  conclusion  about what a city is: A city is a geographical space with an economic system where services and industries predominate.

A city is able to fend for itself. The example of the first city or as the article said “The first true city” is found in Mesopotamia. For its  convenient  location  and  access to rivers they were able to develop their own form of architecture and agriculture . Mesopotamia  was a civilization  and  according  to  the  introduction  “Cities are civilization.” The city life gives birth to writing, economic systems and government.

Geographically,  a  city  is  composed of different elements. In the article, “The City Image and Its Elements”,   Kevin   Lynch  points  out  five   of  the  mos t important: Paths, Edges, Districts, Nodes, and Landmarks. From a social perspective, I find it interesting how Lewis Mumford presents the city as the stage of a play and the population as the actors in  which politics, art and education are the factors that make the play more richly significant.

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