Monthly Archives: October 2012

Via Sacra

TheĀ Via Sacra was the main street that lead straight to the top of the Capitoline Hill, to some important religious sites, finally to the Colosseum.Ā The road was part of the traditional route of the Roman TriumphĀ Ā that began on the outskirts … Continue reading

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What is a city?

What is a city? In my opinion a city is a place where is urbanely developed. This includes that there are buildings, important or famous structures, people, food sources, and many more things. A city has to be adaptable to … Continue reading

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Domus Augustana

The Domus Augustana was anĀ enormousĀ palace that was used for the Roman emperor’s private residence. A modern equivalent for this, would be the White House that is occupied by the president.

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the circus

The circus Maximus is an ancient Roman chariot racing stadium held for racing and sporting events. This would be compared to modern day stadiums where perhaps NASCAR or football events are held.

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I spy with my eyes a large location, a City

What makes a city is population and the money thisĀ populationĀ is able to bring in. Along with population and commerce, a city thrives on systems of operation. A sense of culture and belonging develop a city. According to Kevin Lynch a … Continue reading

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Triumphal Arch – Rome

The great triumphal arches of Rome were a spectacle to see. They served as a monument with archways, carvings, dedications, reliefs, and a possible statue. They were structures with piers, arches, and flat entablatures. They would be large enough to … Continue reading

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Meta Sudans

Meta Sudans was A large cone-shaped water fountain. It was built next to Colosseum in 96 AD. modern equivalent of Meta Sudans is simply a water fountain that could be found in Manhattan or anywhere around the city.

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Peristyle Court

A Peristyle Court is a columned porch or open colonnade in a building surrounding a court that may contain an internal garden. Nowadays, people also may build this kind of garden in their villas but with smaller columns . Ā  … Continue reading

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Equus Traiani or Equus Caneri

Equus Traiani is the equestrian statue of Trajan who was an Roman Emperor that stood in the middle of the Trajan’s forum.Ā  We could see the modern equivalent easily, especially in the park. One example is George Washington at Valley … Continue reading

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What is a City

A city is a place gathering people to live together. It has well organized systems in order to make the city functions well, such as transportation systems, social security system, environmental protection agency, sanitary bureau, resource power system etc. Of … Continue reading

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