
Kenneth Melendez hw1

Brooklyn bridge study 1


The photo that shows underneath the Brooklyn bridge taken by Michael Kenna, is the one I chose. It is in black and white, with a grey gradient. It’s the first image in the gallery on her website. This photo is a Landscape, showing off underneath the bridge and the city from a distance. The photographer’s intentions was to capture the beauty of NYC in a full scale tone. The photo shows emphasis on the overhead bridge and city in the background. The technical matters help the image. Overall the photo is sharp and clear. I believe the graphic elements are important. When I look at the photo it has a nice overhead view with the city in the background. The Image is in low contrast and when you stare at the image you can see the city. The photo gives off a gloomy vibe because of the low keys. All of the photos appear the same in tone.

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One Response to hw1

  1. I agree with you that Michael Kenna’s intention is to make the city look beautiful. The image is sharp and clear with extensive depth of field. The photographer is using a tripod here and a relatively long exposure.

    Careful with the terms low contrast and low key. Low contrast means that there is not a full range of tones. Here there clearly are a full range of tone. And low key does not mean in photography what it usually means in English. It just means that all the tones are darker than the mid tone which is also not the case here.

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