LL4 – Portrait Basics – Marvin Martinez


I think this is the best photo we took. The short lighting really makes the photo dramatic and gives it a kind of noir feeling. The shadow splits the face down the middle and gives it a sense of mystery.

When shooting a portrait, it is important to know where to place the main, fill, and background light. If the subject is at a 3/4th view, there should be a nice balance between broad and short light. Broad lighting is lighting the part of the face that is facing the camera and short lighting is lighting the part of the face that is away from the camera.

In a classic portrait set up, the key light is your main source of lighting and will kind of control the photograph. The fill light illuminates the shadows that are caused from the key light. The background light illuminates the background of the subject and highlights the subject’s outlines.

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One Response to LL4 – Portrait Basics – Marvin Martinez

  1. rmichals says:

    You have a good understanding of basic portrait lighting.

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