Portrait Basics

grp 2 portrait

The important factors to consider when shooting a portrait is the general three(3) lighting, main light which cast the shadow, fill light which brightens the shadow and background light creates separation between subject and background. Broad and short lighting is a 3/4 view which the light hits the face stronger from the direction of the main light and the light barely reaches the other half of the face. The purpose of the main light is to give direct light and sharp shadows, fill light is to create the balance between the main light and the other side of the face that the light from the main light won’t reach; then, there’s background light exist to allow the subject to stand out a bit more. From today’s class I learned how to better control the interaction between light and subject, having the right areas be lit creating a feel to the photo.

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One Response to Portrait Basics

  1. rmichals says:

    The main light can either be direct and cast sharp shadows or be diffused and cast soft shadows. We use generally use a large light when taking portraits either modifying the light with an umbrella or a large soft box to soften the light and not have distracting shadows on the face of the subject.

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