LL4- Portrait Basics

25356759286_f0142ff4d8_oThis photo have short light and shows the subjects features. It gives the pose empowerment and the blue brings out the shot. The shadows on the broad side shows dept. The asymmetrical pose of the subject dominates the page and that helps the photo pop. The dark back ground also give a feeling of depth and  passion.

  1. Important factors to consider when shooting a portrait are, main light and broad light. Main light because depending on where the light is the subject will appear in shadow or in light. Broad light will help you see the persons whole face and differentiate the lights effect on someones features.
  2. Broad light is when the light is shining on the side of the face you see the most part of the head. Short light is on the side of the face that shows the features and get most of the shadow when the main light is on the broad side.
  3. The function of main light is to cast shadows, that create loop light and closed loop light.
  4. The function of fill light is to brighten cast shadows.
  5. The function of background light is to create a separation between the subject and the background. The light is placed facing the back drop behind the subject.
  6. I didn’t understand how to work with the main light but i saw where the fill light can help the photo. So at the end i did learn how all the lights help the subject and how to move the main light up or down to show more or less features in broad or short light.


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2 Responses to LL4- Portrait Basics

  1. rmichals says:

    This photo is a good example of short light.

    The main light in a portrait shoot casts the shadows. The subject can be in any pose.

    Broad light refers to a way of lighting a 3/4 view. Broad light is when you put the main light on the side with the visible ear. Short light is when you put the main light on the side with the features.

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