Immediate hiring: Internship opportunity for an industrial designer

Dear MECH/IND students

Please see the message from Ms. JC Walker regarding an internship opportunity for an industrial designer working on a 3D image.

Dr. Nakamura, 4/25/2023


Hi Mr. Nakamura,

Thank you for taking the time to talk about my freelance project.

I need to hire a product designer who can create a 3D image.

PRODUCT: 30 inch track product rod – similar to the product example below.

PRICE: Negotiable

JC Walker

Scholarship opportunities

Dear MECH/IND students,

Please see the message from CUNY research academy for the scholarship

Dr. Nakamura



Dear CUNY STEM academic community,

Please find attached information on scholarship opportunities for our CUNY students who are pursuing study in a STEM field, funded by New York Community Trust.  CUNY Office of K16 Initiatives/STEM Research Academy is overseeing the collection and initial review of scholarship applications. 

The application link opened today and will close on May 15, 2023.  Scholarship award letters will be sent out before the end of June.  Further details can be found on the flyer. 

Please forward to your department faculty to share with students. 
