Journal Entry #3

Since I don’t commute to Brooklyn College for my internship, everything I do is online, which includes meeting with my supervisor via Zoom. This means that my workplace is essentially my desk, where I get all of my work done. Since I start at 9am for the days I work, I’m usually still in my pajamas, unless I have to go to class in person right after. If that’s the case, I’m fully dressed and ready to leave as soon as I’m done with my internship for that day. There’s no proper attire, and I’m not required to have my camera on during the meetings, but I do when I’m fully dressed and look presentable. The Zoom meetings are usually very brief, with my supervisor giving me instructions for what I’m designing that day, and then letting me work for the remainder of my time. When I finish my work (12pm on Mondays, 12:30pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays), I put what I have done in a shared Google Drive folder so that my supervisor can review it.

Recently, I’ve started to work with other designers on the same designs. My supervisor introduced the three of us over Zoom, and now we communicate over Discord. From there, we’ve been talking about our designs and how to improve them and progress. I mainly use Adobe Illustrator and InDesign to create designs, so I have to make sure to organize my workspace and package my work when giving it to my teammates.

My workplace (my desk):