A site for committee members

Month: January 2022

Agenda โ€“ December 2, 2021

  1. Call to order
  2. Approval of minutes from October 28, 2021
  3. Winter and summer workshops for MAT 1190, MAT 1475, and MAT 1575 and the math prep workshop curriculum modification proposal (Professor Han)
    • proposal:  approve the workshops and workbooks for MAT 1190, MAT 1475, and MAT 1575 
  4. New version of the update for the CSC Program (Professor Halleck)
    • proposal: approve the new version of the new version of the update for the CSC Program
  5. Proposal for creating a Minor in Computer Science (Professor Africk)
    • proposal: approve the proposal for creating a Minor in Computer Science 
  6. Continue experimenting the course outline of MAT 1372 that is used this semester
    • proposal: approve to continue experimenting the course outline of MAT 1372 that is used this semester
  7. MAT 1275CO/1275 tentative course outline for discussion
  8. Good and welfare

Agenda โ€“ October 28, 2021

  1. Call to order
  2. Election of Secretary
  3. Approval of minutes from September 30, 2021
  4. Officially approve the winter and summer workshops for MAT 1275CO, MAT 1275, and MAT 1375 (Professor Han)
    • proposal: approve the winter and summer workshops for MAT 1275CO, MAT 1275, and MAT 1375 
  5. Standardize WeBWorK assignments โ€“ Questionnaire
  6. General discussion on assessment-based curriculum design-Question banks for critical thinking.
  7. Good and welfare