A site for committee members

Month: October 2020

Agenda – October 29, 2020

  1. Call to order
  2. Diversity, equity, inclusion and curriculum (Vijay Yeeda)
    1. Social Justice Math Guide by Jonathan Osler
  3. Approval of minutes from September 24
  4. MAT 1630 course outline (Prof. Thiel)
  5. MAT 0650 course outline (Prof. Ellner)
  6. MAT 1272 online course outline (Prof. Ellner)
  7. MAT 1372 subcommittee (Prof. Halleck)
    1. Incorporating R
  8. Course timelines
  9. Chair’s update (Prof. Han)
    1. CUNY approves tuition charges for all 6 hours of MAT 1275CO
    2. LAS to include MAT 1630 as a math option.
  10. Good and welfare
  11. Adjournment

Reminder: last day to submit proposals for committee vote this semester is Thursday, November 12