The last midterm exam is a take-home exam. I will distribute it class today (I will also upload the pdf to OpenLab), and it will be due Tuesday (Dec 13) at the beginning of class.

I will update this post below with a list of WebWork exercises and textbook examples to review as you are working through the exam.

#1: finding the derivative of a function using the definition of the derivative: see Sec 3.2, Example 3.12

#2: finding derivatives using the derivative rules, derivatives of trig functions, and derivatives of exponential and logarithmic functions): see examples in Sections 3.3, 3.5, 3.6, 3.9

#3: (finding/using the “linearization” of a function at point: See Sec 4.2, WW “Application – Linearization”

#4: Finding critical points, local maxima/minima, intervals where function is increasing/decreasing: See Sec 4.3 and 4.5; WW “Application – Extrema” (#1-4), “Application – Montonicity” (#3), “Application – Shape of Polynomials” (#1-4)