Class Info

  • Date: Tues, Dec 6
  • Meeting Info: 10a-11:40a, N705


  • Review topics covered last week:
    • Exponential/logarithmic functions and their derivatives (Sec 3.9)
      • remaining questions re “Derivatives – Logarithms” (due tonight)
    • “Linearization” L(x) (i.e., using the tangent line as “linear approximation” for a function “in the neighborhood” of a given point x = a (Sec 4.2)
      • examples from “Application – Linearization” (due Thursday)
  • Introduce Sec 4.3 (“Maxima and Minima”) & Sec 4.5 (“Derivatives and the Shape of a Graph”)
    • Examples from “Application – Extrema” and “Application – Monotonicity” (due next week)


  • Exam #3 will be a take-home exam:
    • will be distributed in class on Thursday
    • due at the start of class next Tuesday (Dec 13)

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