We will have our second midterm exam on Thursday (Nov 10).  To prepare for the exam:

  • review the following WebWork exercises
    • Derivatives – Product Rule: TBA
    • Derivatives – Quotient Rule: TBA
    • Derivatives – Rates of Change: #1, 3-5, 6(a)-(e), 7-9
    • Derivatives – Trigonometric: 1-7
  • review Quiz #2 (solutions have been uploaded to Files)
  • review the following concepts:
    • average rate of change/average velocity, as computed using the difference quotient (which also gives the slope of a secant line)
    • instantaneous rate of change, computed using the derivative
    • velocity and acceleration as first and second derivatives of position
    • derivatives of sin and cos (and how to find derivatives of the other trig functions using the quotient rule)
    • applying product and quotient rule, including to products and quotients involving trig functions
  • finding the equation of the tangent line to y = f(x) at a point (x_1, f(x_1)) by using the point-slope equation of the line, with y_1 = f(x_1):
From https://openstax.org/books/calculus-volume-1/pages/1-2-basic-classes-of-functions