Class Info

  • Date: Thurs, Nov 3
  • Meeting Info: 10a-11:40a, N705


  • more about average & instantaneous rates of Change:
    • example of commuting to campus: plotting position (distance from home) vs time elapsed, calculating average velocity
    • “Derivatives – Rates of Change”: Problems 6
    • position function s(t), velocity function v(t) = s'(t), acceleration function a(t) = v'(t) = s”(t)
    • “Derivatives – Rates of Change”: Problems 6-11
  • Sec 3.5: “Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions”
    • more examples from “Derivatives – Trigonometric” (due Wed Nov 9)


  • work through “Derivatives – Rates of Change” and
    “Derivatives – Trigonometric” before Tuesday
    • both sets are due Wed Nov 9 – but we can discuss any exercises you get stuck on in class on Tuesday
    • see OpenLab post: “Rates of Change: Average and Instantaneous
    • see also Blackboard Collaborate recording of Mon Oct 31 office hours (covers Problems 1-5 from WebWork set)
    • see OpenLab post: “Derivatives of Trig Functions” (not yet posted)
  • Office hours Friday and Monday (times TBA)