Instructor: Suman Ganguli

Month: October 2022 (Page 3 of 3)

Midterm Exam #1 – Review

We will have our first midterm exam on Thursday (Oct 13).  To prepare for the exam:

  • review the following WebWork exercises
    • Limits – Introduction: #5, 7, 8 (also solve the latter limit analytically!)
    • Limits – Analytic: #2, 3
    • Limits – One-Sided: #1-3
    • Limits – Continuity: #1-2
    • Derivative – Limit Definition: #2-3
    • Derivatives – Functions: #2-3
    • Derivatives – Power Rule: #2-9
    • Derivatives – Power Rule – Part 2: #1-4, 6-7
  • review Quiz #1 (solutions have been uploaded to Files)
  • review the following concepts:
    • the difference quotient, which gives the slope of a secant line:
Understand how this difference quotient relates the graphs below:
  • the definition of the derivative as the limit of difference quotients, which gives the slope of the tangent line to the graph y = f(x) at the point (a, f(a)):
  • finding the equation of the tangent line to y = f(x) at a point (x_1, f(x_1)) by using the point-slope equation of the line, with y_1 = f(x_1):

See Examples 3.1 – 3.3 in Sec 3.1 and Example 3.22 from Sec 3.3:

WebWork: “Derivatives – Functions” and “Power Rule” sets

If you haven’t finished “Derivatives – Functions” yet (due later today), please consult the office hours recording from last Friday (Sept 30) as well as the recording of today’s office hours (Fri Oct 7).

(In particular, I went through “Derivatives – Functions” Problem 6, which involves a square root function. You can also look at Example 3.11 in Sec 3.2 of the textbook–I have included a screenshot of it below.)

After “Derivatives – Functions” please start working on the “Derivatives – Power Rule” and “Derivatives – Power Rule – Part 2:

  • “Derivatives – Power Rule”: we went through most of this yesterday in class, and you can also view the Tues Oct 4 office hours recording
  • “Derivatives – Power Rule”: I outlined how to approach some of these exercises at the end of office hours today

I may update this post over the weekend with additional hints on the Power Rule exercises.

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