Lucie Mingla | Section OL92 | Semester: Fall 2020

Category: Introduce Yourself (Page 3 of 4)

Assignment 1

Hello, my name is Peter Cortorreal and my major is Computer Systems. Normally I prefer to be called ‘Pete’, but not a huge deal. I’m generally interested in network security and databases. Currently on my last year with NYCCT, so close!!!

Math was never my strongest or favorite subject, but I did take Calculus in High School. I’m eager to see how difficult the first exam will be and how much homework we’ll be getting. Two things I’ll probably need the most help with is derivatives and integrals. Looking forward to passing this class, it’s the last math credit/course I need.

Assignment #1 – Introduction

Hello everyone, my name is Maiya George and my major is applied chemistry. this is my second year here, and My career goal is to be a Physician assistant in pediatrics after finishing my degree here.

Math is honestly not my strongest subject i struggle a ton with memorizing formulas and such. I’m much more of a science and English person, i find those subjects to come more easier to me. So for this class ill find myself studying much more.

Some things i like to do include watching movies (horror specifically) and anime, reading poetry, and playing videos games in my free time.

Assignment 1 – Introduction

Hello, my name is Paola Guzman and this is my third year of college. I am a nursing major; I’d love to be a nursing practitioner or a travel nurse after my RN and after a few more years of studying.

I love comics, manga, anime and anything thriller. The genre of movies and things I read can range from Rom-Coms to Dramas to Horror/Thrillers. I am always open to a good recommendation.

Math has always been my strongest subject, I love how everything has a definite answer. I’d love to have a setlist of formulas and such to help me with Pre-calc. Seeing the exact steps taken to achieve an answer is what has always helped me, so from time to time I may ask if this could be done.

I wish to have a great semester with everyone!

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