Lucie Mingla | Section OL92 | Semester: Fall 2020

Category: Introduce Yourself (Page 2 of 3)

Assignment #1

Hey guys, my name is Celia Orozco and my current major is Liberal Arts and Science. This is my third year in NYCCT and I plan to change my major into Exercise Science.I love playing sports and I find science interesting, which is the reason why I plan to become a sports medicine physician. 

When I was in high school I found it more enjoyable because I actually understood the topics in algebra. However, when it comes to calc I’m not the best at it and I do struggle with this topic. I hope that for this semester I am able to keep up and understand everything we are doing. I feel like when it comes to math as long as you understand and are able to complete a problem you get more invested. There are a couple of things that I am going to need the most help in which include remembering formulas, knowing when to use them and being able to execute them the best possible way. 

Assignment 1

Hello, my name is Peter Cortorreal and my major is Computer Systems. Normally I prefer to be called ‘Pete’, but not a huge deal. I’m generally interested in network security and databases. Currently on my last year with NYCCT, so close!!!

Math was never my strongest or favorite subject, but I did take Calculus in High School. I’m eager to see how difficult the first exam will be and how much homework we’ll be getting. Two things I’ll probably need the most help with is derivatives and integrals. Looking forward to passing this class, it’s the last math credit/course I need.

Assignment 1

I’m yihua lu. I am majoring in computer systems tech. I would like to be a software dev in the near future.

Math is important for me not because I enjoy it (i dont) but because be it is a skill that is needed if i want to be a successful coder.

Logarithms. The second one- i don’t know whats it’s called exactly but it involves sec, cot, and csc of a circle… finding the reference angle

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