Class Info


To-Do During/After Class

  • Join the OpenLab group (via the course profile)
  • Submit the Technology Survey
  • Post a comment introducing yourself onΒ the first OpenLab Assignment
  • Register for Rederley and enroll in our course
    • Start the first Rederley HW sets (1.1 & 1.2)
  • Start reading the OpenStax textbook:
    • Sec 1.1 (“Key Terms”): population vs sample, parameter vs statistic,
    • Sec 1.2: definitions of quantitative vs qualitative, discrete vs continuous
  • Additional recommend reading from the OpenIntro Statistics textbook:
    • Sec 1.3.1 (“Populations and samples”)
    • Sec 1.3.3 (“Sampling from a population”)

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