Class Info
- Date: Tues Dec 7, 10a-11:40a
- Meeting Info: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
- guest login
- dial-in: 571-392-7650 (PIN: 516 299 3537)
- review logarithmic functions (“LogarithmicFunctions”)
- solving exponential equations using logarithms (“ExponentialEquations-Calc”)
- Quiz #4
To-Do After Class
Work on WebWork sets:
- “IntegerExponents” & “ExponentialFunctions” (due tonight, Tues, Dec 7)
- “LogarithmicFunctions”, “ExponentialEquations”, “ExponentialEquations-Calc” (due Friday, Dec 10)
- Do Quiz #4
Some reminders:
–Quiz #4 is posted on OpenLab ( & Blackboard (under Content, where you also submit)..please download and write out your solutions (due Friday, but it shouldn’t be very time-consuming or challenging–just review the material/exercises on exponents (and a bit about logarithms))
–I am having office hours right now (Wed, 1-2p) on Blackboard. Please log on if you want to review or work through any WebWork exercises.