Faculty Name | Section | Semester

Author: Jonas Reitz (Page 2 of 2)

Assignment: Crowd-Sourced Exam Review

Faculty: Below is an example of an OpenLab Assignment that encourages students to take a more active role in preparing for their first exam. It demonstrates how you can provide instructions for each assignment. It uses the category “Assignment Instructions” and can be found under Course Activities > OpenLab Assignments > Assignment Instructions” in the site menu. Please customize the assignment by updating the due date and other highlighted information below, and make any other changes you wish. Don’t forget to delete this informational block when you are ready to share your site with your students. For help working with OpenLab Course sites, visit OpenLab Help.


Your first exam will take place on Tuesday, February 23rd. To prepare for the test, you as a class will construct a crowd-sourced review sheet. Each of you is responsible for choosing one question and creating a post with the question and its solution on the OpenLab. Try to pick questions that you think make good test questions (not too easy); try to pick topics that haven’t been posted by your classmates. Select the category “Exam 1 Review” from the right side of the screen before posting your question/solution. Your post is due on the OpenLab by Friday, February 19 at 11:59pm.

Learning Outcomes

  • Determine appropriate exam problems
  • Practice solving exam problems
  • Work with posts and media on the OpenLab

Due Date(s)

  • Your post is due on the OpenLab by Friday, February 19 at 11:59pm.


  1. Choose (and complete) one question from
    • the textbook homework on the course outline,
    • Webwork, or
    • the final exam review sheet.
  2. Create and submit a new post on the OpenLab with your problem and full solution (see “Resources” below for help with creating a post).
  3. Title your post “Exam 1 Review” and add the section and problem number.
  4. Add the category Exam 1 Review before submitting your post.
  5. You may type out the solution on the OpenLab, or upload a photo of your (legible, neat) hand-written work.
  6. Publish your post.

Make sure nobody has submitted your problem already; try to make sure every topic that will be on Exam 1 is represented.

It is up to you as a class to ensure that all solutions are correct. If you have a question about someone else’s post, if you would like more detail, or if you think the solution contains an error, post a comment asking the question or correcting the error.

The idea here is that you as a class are creating a review sheet for everyone to study from for the first test.

Grading Rubric

  • Question is appropriate for an exam and is not a duplicate
  • Solution is complete, legible, and correct
  • Post is titled appropriately, categorized, and submitted by the due date


Assignment created by Kate Poirier

Class 1 Agenda (Example)

Faculty: This Class Agenda post demonstrates how you can provide detailed information about each class for your students. It uses the category “Class Agendas” and can be found under Course Activities > Class Agendas in the site menu. Use the suggested outline below to structure your class posts. Please delete this informational block when you are ready to share your site with your students. For help working with OpenLab Course sites, visit OpenLab Help.

Class Info

  • Date: Add date
  • Meeting Info: Add online details or in-person location

To-Do Before Class

Add the tasks (readings, homework, assignments) students need to do before this class, along with any materials they will need. 


Add topic here


  • Add learning objectives and outcomes here


Add the information covered in this class (class activities, readings, videos, slides, notes, recordings of class meetings conducted via web conference). 

To-Do After Class

Add the tasks (readings, homework, assignments) students need to do after this class, along with any materials they will need. 

Welcome, Students!

Faculty: This Model Course site uses an organizational structure to help faculty meet the recommended best practices for online, hybrid or web-enhanced pedagogy. It contains a number of resources specific to this course, as well as examples of how to use the OpenLab for communication, discussion, assignments, and more. If you’d like to use this site in your own course, take a look at the online module Getting started on the OpenLab with Math Model Courses.

This editable welcome post demonstrates how you can share announcements with your students. Please delete this informational block when you are ready to share your site with your students. For help working with OpenLab Course sites, visit OpenLab Help.

Please take some time to explore this OpenLab course site. Use the menu to explore the course information, activities, and help. As the course progresses, you will be adding your own work to the Student Work section.

Join this Course

Login to your OpenLab account and follow these instructions to join this course.

If you’re new to the OpenLab, follow these instructions to create an account and then join the course.

Remember that your username and display name can be pseudonyms, rather than your real name. Your avatar does not need to be a picture of your face–just something that identifies you on the OpenLab.


If you have any questions, reach out via email or in Office Hours. If you need help with the OpenLab, you can consult OpenLab Help or contact the OpenLab Community Team.

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