Author Archives: Sick Senpai Sound (Alexis Shuffler)

Observation and Personas

My location was the 5th floor lounge located on the Namn/Atrium building. Also known as the anime/gaming underground club.

this is my hangout spot were people and friends that have the same interest as you could talk, play, laugh, and have fun.

I saw many things like people playing games, cards, drawing, talking, laughing, dancing, using their laptops, on cellphones and more.

overall, i’m friends with many of them and it’s the place for gamers, geeks and nerds like me to be or wait until your next class starts.

Regarding the persona’s, each one is basically some or a mash up of personalities traits from the lounge. Everyone in there my self included like the same thing but also have other interest so it was easy to make the personas.

Persona 1: age 19 male, lives in Brooklyn. likes games, anime, tech. what they would like is bigger space environment wise to move around.

2: age 18 female, Queens, likes to draw/ wants to become an artist. what they would like from the place is more tables and a little bit less disturbance.

3: age 20 male, Bronx, likes technology. wants more outlets and better Wifi

4: age 21 male, Brooklyn, likes food and music. wants less noise.