Developed by Professor Goodlad + Professor Paruolo

Reflection #6, #aMAJORdecision

Think about a time when you joined a new group activity (maybe a team, religious retreat, club, or workplace). 

  • How did you feel when you first joined? 
  • Do you recall a moment when you felt like you were part of the group? 
  • What benefits did you get from participation in the group?
  • What can you do to help yourself feel like part of a group at City Tech? 


  1. Shanelle Hall

    I feel when I first joined city teach college I was nervous. Yes I recall moment when I felt like I were part of the group that make me a good person to join even I don’t like to talk I still listen. The benefits did I get from participation in the group is to giving and getting feedback from peers. I can do to help yourself feel part of group at city teach is to develop knowledge of own opinion.

    • endigo

      I think feedback helps everyone grow.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      I’m happy to hear that you are using your peer’s feedback as a benefit to you. Thank you for your post!

  2. endigo

    I joined a track team. I felt very excited and part of something big. It made me feel encouraged and inspired to keep going even when it was difficult. To create that same feeling at City Tech I will participate in school events and clubs.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      Cool! I’m happy to hear about your experience. Joining a club is a great start to be more involved at city tech. Thank you for your post!


    I feel stressed I first joined the CLIP Program for English in City Tech. Yes, I recalled a moment when I felt like I was part of the group that made me a good team worker to learn from the group. The benefit I got from participation in the group is learn from them, to work in group in addition to be challenging. Those things I did to help myself feel like a part of a group at City Tech, being open to work with the group, sharing your ideas, asking for help and to be respectful.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      I like that you felt like a part of the group and you were able to learn from the group. Joining a club or a study group will also expand your learning experience. Thank you for your post!

  4. Jonaely

    when i first joined a workplace i was nervous and excited at the same time because it was my first time having to communicate and deal with a lot of people. i recall a time where I felt like i was part of the group when i started participating and doing all the activities even though i didn’t like doing it.To help myself to be part of a group at city tech i have to talk, participate in all the activities that i find interesting to help myself more.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      I’m glad you were able to feel comfortable enough to participate in the activities at work. I hope you can find something you enjoy at city tech. Thank you for your post!

  5. Abrar alzawkari

    I remember when I joined this program how I felt happy, belonging, and nervous at the same time. I felt like I belonged to everyone and that this place made me feel like I was in my second home.This group helped me learn everything about the college and helped me meet friends and a professor who had no difference between them and my family at all.My presence at City Tech and my success there is enough to make me feel like I am a part of it

    • Aneeza Hussain

       I’m very happy to hear that you feel welcome at city tech. Thank you for your post!

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