Eva Machauf | COMD 3501 OL26 | Fall 2020

Author: Eva Machauf

Eva Machauf is a designer, art director and artist. She teaches Advertising 3501, Identity Design at the New York City College of Technology as well as design classes at the Borough of Manhattan Community College. She received her MFA in painting from the New York Academy of Art, and her BA in Cultural Anthropology from the City College of New York.
Prior to teaching at City Tech and BMCC, she was on the full-time faculty in the Visual Communications Department at Katharine Gibbs School, New York where she taught graphic design, typography, advertising, portfolio development and software skills. Previous to that, she was the Senior Art Director of the Creative Department at the American Management Association.
She has also designed numerous freelance projects, worked as a set decorator for films and commercials and exhibited her paintings in group shows.


Throughout the semester, there will be assigned readings and videos and you will be asked to participate in discussions offering your reactions and opinions. Always, you are asked to participate in these discussion with clarity and thoughtfulness.

For clarity, the topic will be labeled with the semester week. For example “Week 1: Proper Online Discussion Techniques”.

You will have one full week (Thursday 2:30– Thursday 2:30) to share your thoughts. This will be counted towards your Participation Grade.

Guidelines for participation:

  • DO READ the whole thread.
  • Comment on the question after checking out any materials provided.
  • Don’t repeat other students.
  • Do reply to other students and build on their ideas.

Good Participation is to comment at least 2x per discussion. Once at the beginning and once at the end, after reading the thread so your comments are relevant.

For this particular discussion, you can ask a question, make a suggestion or just say that you understand.

WEEK 1: Introductions

Introduce yourself to the class by replying to this post and sharing:

  • Your name, and if you have a nickname that you prefer to go by.
  • Your major and semester (i.e. lower Junior, upper sophomore).
  • About yourself (share as much as you feel comfortable doing), your background and your goals.
  • What you hope to get out of this class and how it will help you achieve your professional goals.
  • A photo of yourself (upload to your media and insert link address into post reply–note that this does not allow for resizing or cropping)
Well written with useful insights into the design process. He writes about a range of projects that he’s worked on with some interesting chapters on identity design.
You can ‘look inside’ on Amazon for a taste.
(I took this book out from the NY Public Library, you can reserve it and request to have it brought to your local branch…when they reopen.)