Eva Machauf | COMD 3501 OL26 | Fall 2020

Paula Scher

In my freshman year of college, I came to admire the work of Paula Scher. I assume she is one of the most popular graphic designers in the world. Scher straddles the line between pop culture in her fiction and fine art. To all woman graphic designers, she is a voice that is no longer a company for men.

Perhaps that’s the story behind the famous logo of Citi Bank. Finishing in just five minutes on a napkin, selling it for $1.5 million. That’s what I love about her unbelievable creativity and vision, Paula Scher.

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  1. Denver Samaroo

    Yes i also agree the thought of a multi biliondoallr company had a logo designed in five minutes on a napkin is truly breathtaking and inspirational.

  2. Matthew Rivera

    That story honestly blows my mind and how she was able to do that within minutes and make a ton of money. Goes to show you how talented she is and good at her craft

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