Monthly Archives: May 2016

Climate change

1. According to Atkinson and Hackler, neoclassical economists believe that setting a tax on carbon emissions will reduce the use of high carbon fuels and spur innovation to identify low-carbon alternatives that will make current clean energy sources more competitive.

2. TheĀ assumptions that neoclassical economics make about human behavior areĀ that people will always behave to maximize their own interest. I think this assumptions is not realistic for human behavior to far to unpredictable.

Brooklyn Navy Yard

Visiting the Brooklyn Navy Yard was a good experience. Seeing different ways on how the Navy Yard is sustainable and what they are doing to improve the environment in many different ways. During the tour they showed us item that they recycled and are reused as every day things like a recycled spoon and a boat. The tour was an amazing experience that I enjoyed

Final presentation schedule and reminder

The final presentation schedule which was distributed in class on Wednesday is posted again here. Please see reminders to arrive on time, bring final drafts of research summary and annotated bibliography on the day you are scheduled to present, and to attend both classes to receive full credit for your presentation.

Presentation Schedule_Wed

A copy of the guidelines for organizing the final presentation is included here. This was also distributed in class.

Guidelines for Presentations