Writing Task Resilience- Laurencia Colon

Its 2022 and we are currently living through an unimaginable global pandemic. These conditions are unprecedented, lacking any sense of normalcy. We have been enforced to recalibrate and adjust our approach to life. The effects of the situation have impacted different people in a variety of ways; each individual has their own unique story. I have personally dealt with the hardship of being laid off of work for six months. Trying to navigate through this financial minefield as young Ghanaian immigrant in the United States felt insurmountable at times. However, I did not concede and push on in my unpredictable journey.

As a former school track and field competitor, taking life in stride is one my principal mantras. When faced with challenging situations, my instincts default to a fighting response without considerations for plight. I decided to apply to other jobs and after an exuberant amount of effort, I landed a new job. This situation helped me realize that being proactive and not reactive is a key driving factor behind resiliency. Life can be erratic and unpredictable, therefore it is most often best to be prepared for all circumstances. Whilst my experiences during the the pandemic were unfavorable, I was able to remain persistent and adaptable to tackle any potential obstacles in my path.

1 thought on “Writing Task Resilience- Laurencia Colon”

  1. Laurencia: No need to put this:
    Its 2022 and we are currently living through an unimaginable global pandemic. These conditions are unprecedented, lacking any sense of normalcy. We have been enforced to recalibrate and adjust our approach to life. The effects of the situation have impacted different people in a variety of ways; each individual has their own unique story.
    You are not answering the question with that prologue.

    Better way to start is to address the question: THe hardest thing I faced during the pandemic was losing my job.

    Again, no need to write: Life can be erratic and unpredictable, therefore it is most often best to be prepared for all circumstances. Whilst my experiences during the the pandemic were unfavorable, I was able to remain persistent and adaptable to tackle any potential obstacles in my path. — This writing is very general and does not address the question.
    Better: In order to deal with being unemployed, my coping strategy was to through myself whole heartedly into a new job search.
    THEN you could give details and explain about: I decided to apply to other jobs and after an exuberant amount of effort,

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