RAB Proposal Paragraph-jennifer

My research question is, how has the covid pandemic impacted mental health in the youth? This topic interests me because during the pandemic I feel like my mental health has gotten worse due to being isolated from others. I’m the type of person that loves going out and being surrounded by people so this was a major change for me. Also, being stuck in the house with the same people living the same life every day was hard. I already know that many other people my age struggle with the same issues I did because they would post about it on social media. Teachers would talk about how online schooling is hard and the kids would open up to professors agreeing with them. Some points that I plan to explore and find out more about is what other factors are affected by the pandemic in mental health. 


4 thoughts on “RAB Proposal Paragraph-jennifer”

  1. dear Jennifer ,
    great start ! i think you should also explore how much depression increase in 2020 . its relatable what you said , being home during covid 2020 isolated was draining .

  2. Hi Jennifer, I liked the information that you gave out. I also think that you should try and find out more about why some kids are having these mental problems.

  3. Jennifer : Your sources need to be NYT. Go to the SECRET PANEL off to left of Assignment 2 on the assignments page….Search there for some leads. Then Google Search NYT and Mental Health of TEens and corona virus pandemic.

    You need a better news article as Source 1.

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