Reading response Frederick Douglass – Migdalia Rivera

Part 1 : after Douglass loses his mistress as his teacher he converts to going to a white poor neighbor food with his book and bread to learn from them . To show appreciation and gratitude toward the white kids he created names for them . he’ll stroll through places at different times to find the white kids teach him how to read . after that Douglass was become a good reader .
Part 2 : in paragraph 5 Douglass says ‘learning to read had been a curse rather than a blessing’ it caused him suicidal thoughts and a heavy weight on his shoulders . he carried the weight of being a black man that was born into slavery . Reading caused him to see how even worse his situation was through books and articles .The reading Columbian Orator taught him about the emancipation of slaves .The the freedom of reading caused a dark hole in his life of the truth . it became a point where he wanted to learn how to write to create his own pass . With practiced he learned to write .

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