Writing Task Resilience – Paola Capano

One thing that has been hard for me during the pandemic has been staying motivated and productive. When everything opened back up I wasn’t really used to going out anymore after the whole lockdown so I would stay home pretty often. This started to take a toll on my mental health because I felt like I wasn’t really doing much for myself most of the time. I started to get used to just being home and it made me lazy. I didn’t realize this at first until time started flying by and I started to think about all the things I could’ve been doing. I didn’t want to feel this way anymore, like i was just letting time pass by me, because it made me feel like I was living an unfulfilling life.

A coping strategy I used to help myself was to give myself a routine. Without having a routine I never really felt like I had structure anymore. I started to wake up early, get ready for the day, and eat breakfast everyday too. These are little things I didn’t always do, especially eating breakfast, I would always skip it. I’ve noticed I do feel better now that I eat breakfast and it has helped with my productivity. Becoming more of a morning person really helped because your mornings set you up for the rest of your day so it think its important to start the day right. I try to write down everything I need to do and want to get done each day so that I don’t lose focus on anything important. I keep track of all my classes as well and assignments that are due for the week. Another thing I did for myself was getting a job, I’ve found it really helpful because it gives me somewhere to go and more human interaction than just from school. Overall the pandemic has been hard for me and i’m still not always productive but I try to better myself everyday with the little things.

2 thoughts on “Writing Task Resilience – Paola Capano”

  1. Hey Paola, we seemed to share a similar experience during the pandemic with it making us feel unmotivated. And we both changed by creating a better morning routine. Also I’m supper proud of you for being able to keep track of all your school stuff and balance a job. I’m currently trying to get one but I’m worried it’ll affect my school work.

  2. Very good. Excellent coping strategy. And you show that you have learned something about yourself and come to know yourself better. Your have learned to be self-aware.

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