RAB Proposal-Ethan S

The Effects of Mary Jane

My research question is, How does marijuana affect the adolescent mind?.

This topic interests me because there are so many different debates on this topic, as in cause and effects. It’s also interesting in a way I can relate because I am a smoker as well. I have seen some old friends that I feel like the marijuana has changed them for the worse, which does interest me to find out how it went wrong . I already know that the sale to minors  has been forbidden by law in the U.S., but it still doesn’t stop teenagers from getting what they want.  I also know the carry of marijuana isn’t legal in all fifty states . Last but not least I am knowledgeable about the marijuana spray that alters the appearance and smell of the MJ. Some points that I plan to explore and find out more about, are the effects of Hallucinations, anxiety and feelings of sociability that marijuana might bring.


  • https://health.ucmerced.edu/resources/marijuana-facts
  • https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/29/well/family/teenage-brain-marijuana.html

1 thought on “RAB Proposal-Ethan S”

  1. https://health.ucmerced.edu/resources/marijuana-facts

    This is not an article. It is a fact list from a University.

    I already know that the sale to minors has been forbidden by law in the U.S., but it still doesn’t stop teenagers from getting what they want. I also know the carry of marijuana isn’t legal in all fifty states . — These sentences do not address how marijuana affects the teen age brain…Your RQ is NOT about the legality of possessing or buying marijuana.

    Please revise.

    ALSO work on clarity of your sentences. PROOFREAD. Ethan you have to work on your expressing your ideas more clearly. Good idea to work with the tutors!

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