Ron D

Narrative Assignment

“This destroys you. It’s not good for you. You don’t need to do stuff like this when you already have so much people who want to see you do bad” 

This is what my mother said to me 2 years ago when I used to do drugs.

It was Jan 22,2022. A little over 2 years ago. I was 15, and would do nothing much except go to school, play sports, and video games. It was around that time I was also partaking in the usage of illegal substances. What started out of sheer curiosity turned into everyday usage. It became a new habit. Inevitably my mother would find out about this habit, and it wasn’t to pretty. Now I wasn’t the only one in the family with this habit. My older cousin also indulged in the same substances. So we would travel together to go Re-up on inventory. Taking the bus all the way from queens to Brooklyn. I can’t remember the area. 

There was one day in particular, my cousin and I went out to go Re-up and we must’ve spent over 120$. That was the same day I got caught by my mother and I faced the necessary consequences. My mother had took the door off of my room, and I had no privacy anymore. My cousin was a senior at the time, and there was this guy in his school who was supplying people. I gave my cousin money yo buy for me because he was already planning to buy. I gave my cousin the money and later that day I had more of the substance. I would finish it, and that would be the same day my mother gathered everyone at the kitchen table, and had an intervention for me and my cousin. That was when she told me that. That was when I realized I needed to make a change. Not just with drugs, but in life. To do better in life, and to not self sabotage or do anything to bring myself down. 

5 thoughts on “Ron D”

  1. I agree with the quote your mother made. In life, we always have someone praying for our downfall. I’m delighted you got out of those bad habits with your mother’s help and stopped you from making poor decisions.

  2. Ron:

    This is a scary story. I am glad that you are here today in my class and paying attenion and doing the work. So glad that you turned yourself around!

    Can you turn this part into an opening scene to start your story:

    There was one day in particular, my cousin and I went out to go Re-up and we must’ve spent over 120$. [CSD needed – When? Fall Winter? Weather outside? – THINK about how Colin Powell described that first day at City College. Can you do the same here for this day (I hope it was the last day you bought drugs. How did you travel? 120 is a lot of money – How had you come up with this amount? HOW old and WHAT year of school were you in? CONCRETE SPECIFIC DETAILS NEEDED – make Theatre of the Mind – make drama for your reader!)

    That was the same day I got caught by my mother. [Is this a scene of confrontation and seriousness with your mother? Can you take me to that scene? HOW did she find out? Where was the “talk”? In the kitchen? IDK but you do so SHOW me. WHAT did she say? WHAT did you say? Was there shouting?]

    [MOVE to here] I faced the necessary consequences. My mother had took the door off of my room, and I had no privacy anymore. [details here – SHOW me how humiliating this was] 

    My cousin was a senior at the time, and there was this guy in his school who was supplying people. I gave my cousin money yo buy for me because he was already planning to buy. I gave my cousin the money and later that day I had more of the substance.

    I would finish it, and that would be the same day my mother gathered everyone at the kitchen table, and had an intervention for me and my cousin. That was when she told me “This destroys you. It’s not good for you. You don’t need to do stuff like this when you already have so much people who want to see you do bad” [so many people who want to see you do bad – WHAT does that mean? What people? Super confused!]

    That was when I realized I needed to make a change. Not just with drugs, but in life. To do better in life, and to not self sabotage or do anything to bring myself down. [Super confused here. Is this the same intervention-confrontation-convo from above? Is this a second confrontation with Mom?]

  3. What is the MI main idea or focus of this story?

    How I straightened myself out after being on drugs. SO — can you show how you also became better student? Can you connect to your educational life? Is there something you learned that can tie over to school?

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