Intro – Anthony/Aj

Hey class, my name is Anthony but I rather much be called Aj. I feel like it’s too many Anthony’s in the world and I need to distinguish myself from them. This is my first semester here at City Tech I just recently transferred from Medgar. The area of the school didn’t fit me and I didn’t feel engaged in the classes there at all. This picture at the top is just a demonstration of my love for video games. I play almost everything but my favorite game is for sure NBA 2K. At first it looks like I just play the game, but I have won over $2,000 in earnings on this game with my friends. I love things that challenge my thought process and ability to do something. So when I’m playing this game against people who wanna win as much as me it makes everything flow better.

I live in Brooklyn, NY and I have a cat and a couple siblings but they all older now. I like to stay home most of the time and just be in my own world. Im a very easy and understanding person and a great therapist to my friends and family. I like to sleep and I love my bed but I also enjoy a good time out. That’s pretty much all I got about me.

5 thoughts on “Intro – Anthony/Aj”

  1. Aj, I also enjoy staying home most of the time because I’m unsure what to do besides staying home and hanging out with friends. I heard about the game NBA 2K from friends but never played, I would to hear more about it from you in class if possible!

  2. Hey Aj. I believe you’ll enjoy and meet lots of friends at this college.

    Other than video games, what else do you do?

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