Intro-Yueheng Feng

I’m Yue. My current Major is Computer Science. I was born in China and lived in China for eight years before coming to NYC. I lived in Delancy Street for 5 to 6 years before moving to Brooklyn.

Things about me.
Before coming to America, I learned how to roller skate and ride a bike, and learning how to roller skate allowed me to join the performance team. I was able to perform a few times before leaving for NYC.

My Chinese surname.

I don’t know how to write Chinese that much, but I can read them and speak simple things. Since I came to America at a young age, I didn’t learn much Chinese. Most of the Chinese I’ve learned is from watching shows and reading newspapers. Speaking Chinese with my family also improved my Chinese.

I often spent most of my time reading Chinese books to further improve my Chinese. I have been learning chess lately and playing badminton with my friends weekly.

3 thoughts on “Intro-Yueheng Feng”

  1. I am curious to know: Did you join a performance roller skating team that had very strict training? Did your Chinese coaches prepare the team members to be professionals or to compete? Did you go to a special school for skaters? I have heard about China searching and recruiting young children and putting them in special professional training programs, with academics as part of the school. I wonder if this is what you are telling us about. It’s very interesting the way different countries find talent. Here in USA you must be wealthy and take lessons. Your parents push you and pay for your lessons. In communist and socialist countries, the countries take on that responsibility because even sports are considered a way to push the country as a whole forward. I would love to learn what the skating school in China was like, if you indeed went to one.

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