Intro- Domenica Zambrano

My name is Domenica Zambrano, I am a freshman in college studying dental hygiene at City college of Technology. I was born in Ecuador and grew up there but had to leave when I was 11 because of financial problems. My parents decided to come here and now been leaving here for 10 years now. The first year it was really difficult because everything was different here compare to what I was use to and had to start everything from the beginning. Now Im waiting to graduate to go live there and open my own dental office.

During high school i didn’t know what i was going to do with my life so i didn’t apply for college and started working. One day I applied for a job as a dental assistant that I never thought I would get the job but I did and I love it ! and that’s when I discovered that I wanted to study dentistry. Some things i love to go is travel, every summer I travel somewhere . I been to Puerto rico, Ecuador, Hawaii and Italy. Some of my hobbies are rolling skating and i love food specially sweets.

1 thought on “Intro- Domenica Zambrano”

  1. NIce picture of — your hometown? Is Cuenca your hometown?

    I would have liked to have a few more details about you! Languages? Anything else? We need to learn more about you.


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