Mentor Text Analysis – Raul M

My Mentor Text is:

How the text hooks the audience is by this quote.”Losing weight is tough for all of us, whether shedding a few pounds or 50. And if in the past you’ve not been able to lose as much as you would like, you may assume there’s little point in trying.” Some Readers may relate to this because some have struggled with weight loss and it led them to give up and even get discouraged by it. Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford, an obesity medicine physician at Massachusetts General Hospital, states that losing 5% of body weight triggers clinically significant physiologic changes. Some research that was stated, “There is some evidence that overweight and obesity reduce sexual function and that regaining a healthy weight improves it.” How the story incorporates a narrative by mentioning Annie Oakley, the larger-than-life sharpshooter, and star of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, who was cut down by a deadly form of anemia caused by a lack of vitamin B12. For Annie, it was death in 1926. The text uses vivid imagery by mentioning Annie Oakley and how she was affected by a lack of vitamin B12. And some descriptions like “the fiery discomfort of heartburn”.

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