mentor text analysis-Kayla Griffiths

My mentor text is: The end of Roe v. Wade — and what comes next for reproductive freedom by kathryn kolbert Katheryn Kolbert hook’s the audience by telling her personal involvement in the fight to keep Roe v Wade a law. The speaker incorporates research around 12:13. The Speaker uses the research to inform the listener of how reproductive rights can and will affect all women in America if actions are not taken to ensure reproductive rights are enshrined into the constitution. This text is structured with a clear timeline of how and when the problem first began, the history behind the problem and the list of steps the listener can take to fix the problem. The ted talk has a span of sixteen minutes. The primary audience is americans. The speaker closes by encouraging the audience to vote and stay up to date with politics. I think the speaker’s message is that every American should care about reproductive rights because abortion care/reproductive rights is a right that should not be taken away. I would like to emulate the speaker’s confidence while speaking in my project by practicing my speech. I will avoid not putting visuals in my project I will do this by using Google slides with pictures to convey my message.

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