Possible Genres – Jeffery Dai

Why Has The United States Fallen Behind In The Race To Electrify Transportation?

The genres I am most interested in basing my Unit 3 assigment around are video essay and TED Talk. These two are very effective means of delivering a high amount of information in a digestible manner, and combine elements of visual and audio to convey information. Given the relative depth that my Unit 2 assignment went into, I feel it would make more sense to opt for a video essay and allocate a large portion of the assignment towards establishing the basics on the topic of electric vehicles before moving on to answering the research question.

3 thoughts on “Possible Genres – Jeffery Dai”

  1. I think a video essay will be effective for the delivery of your message since you can show pictures and statists tho Ted talk will work too. Looking forward to see your work.

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