RAB Source Entry 2–Ilham .L

RQ: Why Do Certain People Love and Hate Horror Movies and What Is the Psychology Behind It?

Source Entry 2: Op-Ed Piece

Part 1 MLA Citation:

Guardian News and Media. (2023, January 22). Welcome to the age of “dark copers” – where morbid curiosity is a means of survival | Emma Beddington. The Guardian.https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jan/22/welcome-to-the-age-of-dark-copers-where-morbid-curiosity-is-a-means-of-survival 


Part 2 Summary:

In the article “Welcome to the age of ‘dark copers’ – where morbid curiosity is a means of survival,”freelance writer Emma Beddington discusses the concept of “dark coping,” where people use morbid curiosity to cope. She shares her experience with feeling both startled and fascinated by creepy images. Despite not being a thrill seeker, Beddington explores how “dark copers” use scary movies to manage anxiety and depression. Ultimately, as challenges and uncertainties increase, it’s no surprise that more people are turning to dark coping.

Part 3 Rhetorical Analysis:

The op-ed, “Welcome to the age of ‘dark copers’ – where morbid curiosity is a means of survival,” written by Emma Beddington, explores how people use morbid curiosity as a coping mechanism. Beddington establishes credibility as a freelance writer and uses evidence, statistics, and research to support her points. The article shows empathy for those who rely on morbid curiosity to navigate life’s challenges. Published in The Guardian, a highly trusted source with a 33% trust figure, the article remains relatively current despite being over a year old.

Part 4 : Notable Quotables:

“We’re edging towards a natural world we no longer recognise and will struggle to survive in. We’re wondering whether some other, doubtless self-inflicted, pandemic is around the corner. Is it any wonder we’re all becoming dark copers?”(Par 9)

“That’s not a new idea – the theory of recreational fear as “uncertainty management” and a way of rehearsing how we would cope if the worst happened is well established. But it’s especially interesting in conjunction with “morbid curiosity researcher” Coltan Scrivner’s paper reporting that horror fans and the morbidly curious were more psychologically resilient during Covid.”((Par 8)

“Despite that, we seem to have a renewed appetite for fear-as-fun: the pleasurable sense of the uncanny and the ineffably – but somehow manageably – horrible. We are in a horror renaissance, with movie market share at its highest ever in recent years.”(Par 5)

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