summary practice -Kayla Griffiths

Wendy Berliner “Schools Are Killing Curiosity”: Why We Need to Stop Telling Children to Shut up and Learn.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 28 Jan. 2020,
In Berliners “Schools Are Killing Curiosity” the author argues that schools kill curiosity by discouraging children from asking questions.In the article the author consistently sets the scene of children being dismissed by teachers in classrooms,These teachers are determined not to stray from the material in order to keep the class on track. The author also brings up evidence of children that succeeded in classrooms that encouraged curiosity instead of forcing kids to learn in one way. Children who ask questions constantly are more likely to understand a topic in more depth compared to a child who doesn’t care to expand their knowledge by asking questions .some schools in Bristol are starting to experiment with encouraging children to ask questions, This experiment positively impacted the students for the better and ultimately persuaded the parents of the children that encouraging curiosity in children can be a good thing.

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