RAB Summary Practice- Brianna L.

Part 1: MLA Citation: 

Berliner, Wendy. “‘Schools Are Killing Curiosity’: Why We Need to Stop Telling Children to Shut up and Learn.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 28 Jan. 2020, 


Part 2 Summary: 

In this Article “Schools Are Killing Curiosity”, Wendy is explaining how schools aren’t giving children the opportunity to learn new things other than what they are required to learn in school. They are still young and they deserve to know things that they are curious about. That was until a researcher claimed that it is better for children to stay curious because it helps them academically. Now they are trying to find a way to promote curiosity in children. Every time a child would ask a question that has nothing to do with the topic, the teacher always finds a way to disregard it. Not every teacher has that behavior as well. There are teachers that want the best for children and feel that they deserve answers. Schools were all about being creative and unrealistic but now many believe that they should follow up on children being curious and showing how important it is to them. 

1 thought on “RAB Summary Practice- Brianna L.”

  1. We talked about this in class. PLEASE listen up! Wendy is NOT your friend. Refer to her by last name, so Berliner.

    Need to more specific in first sentence expressing the MI — CURIOSITY and QUESTIONS are the point. get those words into your main idea.

    You need to give a few points from the research and include the anecdote narrative of the school in Bristol. These points were all in the Outline on the Board

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