RAB Proposal Paragraph – Evelyn Castillo

My research question is: How is the medical field killing women’ health?

The reason why I am interested in this topic is because in my personal life I have seen family and friends being wrongly diagnosed, for example my friend who had a liver illness but was told to lose weight instead. Or myself when I went to the doctor and told me I was just stressed out but in fact I was developing anemia. The reason for these common issues among women is that most of the time we have been categorized as over dramatic, emotionally over exaggerating, and crazy. Thus has developed a gender disparity in the healthcare system which affects my loved ones and myself.

The knowledge that I already have about this topic is rather small but not irrelevant. For example, I know that it takes many consultants and different doctors to understand the type of illness they might have, which I know from my friends’ case. However, for men, how many trials does it take to know their illness? Looking at my brother and dad not more than one or two. I know that we have stereotypical painkillers for headaches fever, but do we ever have specific medicine for menstrual pain? If we read what side effects taking these painkillers have in women is always a never ending list, similar to anti contraceptive methods.

Lastly, I also know that women’s health is the least talked about, at least I was never taught about women’s system, how does it work, what is normal what is not but as I grew I had to learn by myself what kind of pain is normal and what is not, everything in women’s health is so secret yet it affects millions of us. This guides me to the points that I wish to learn and understand; Why are women always misdiagnosed? How does not educating women on their health affect them? How are women dealing with misdiagnosis? Why are there more side effects of medicine on women than in men?

5 thoughts on “RAB Proposal Paragraph – Evelyn Castillo”

  1. This research question seems reasonable and fair, in my opinion, to be worried about how the medical industry may affect women’s health. This is a complex problem with several aspects, including societal attitudes toward women’s health issues, research bias, access to care, and quality of care. By exploring these complexities, you can maybe think about how to support women’s healthcare outcomes and strive to resolve any systemic problems that could be present in the medical industry. In order to promote positive change and guarantee that women receive the care and attention they deserve, it is imperative that conversations be held and awareness raised.Overall, Evelyn, your topic is really interesting and it can grip the audience reading it. I can’t wait to see what else more you have come up with.

  2. It seems reasonable, in my opinion, to be worried about how the medical industry may affect women’s health. This is a complex problem with several aspects, including societal attitudes toward women’s health issues, research bias, access to care, and quality of care. By exploring these complexities, you can maybe think about how to support women’s healthcare outcomes and strive to resolve any systemic problems that could be present in the medical industry. In order to promote positive change and guarantee that women receive the care and attention they deserve, it is imperative that conversations be held and awareness raised.Overall, Evelyn, your topic is really interesting and it can grip the audience reading it. I can’t wait to see what else more you have come up with.

  3. This is new to me I’ve heard of or touched upon this topic before but you made a perfect outline for your research question and your connection to it which is very good. You also gave a good explanation of your knowledge about this topic despite not knowing much about it it’s still pretty good. you also gave specific examples about men and women when it comes to healthcare. I can’t wait to read more about your paper

  4. mabye put killing in italics.

    Other Qs or wording to think about…why women’s health issues are overlooked, why women’s voices are unheard, overlooked, dismissed. Why women’s heatlhcare is overlooed…misogyny in women medicine, gender bias in healthcare.

    LOOK at Possible Source Leads SIDE BAR. I put a few more quick search finds for your topic.

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