RAB PROPOSAL-Kayla Griffiths

My research question is how does fast fashion negatively impact the environment.this topic interests me because big companies like shein temu and romwe make low quality clothes that won’t last so the people that wear them throw those clothes away after a few uses and third world countries are left stuck with sorting out tattered clothes in landfills further polluting the their home countries.I also wanted to research this question because my family is from a third world country and the people that often suffer from the repercussions of big fast fashion corporations are countries that don’t have much power or say in what happens in their country. I also wanted to research the impact of fast fashion because fast fashion profoundly affects pollution which negatively impacts food availability. I already know that fast fashion accounts for over 5% of global carbon emissions. I also know that fast fashion companies use lots of child labor to make their clothes.Lastly, I know that  the unwanted clothes usually end up in dumps in african countries which are often called “dead white man’s clothes” .


2 thoughts on “RAB PROPOSAL-Kayla Griffiths”

  1. I like your research topic and the main thing you attempt to address. I am understanding that fast fashion has caused so much pollution over the world and it is affecting the life of millions of people. One question I have is why is it called “dead white man’s clothes”? Also I am very interesting on how this issue could be stopped since it is not just people buying unconsciously but also “influencers” promoting this kind of impulsive behavior by buying tons of clothes and never wearing it more than once. Overall, I am very interested in your topic and would like to learn more.

  2. Kayla — good proposal.

    Look carefully at your possible source. It is actually a student essay printed in the New York TImes. It’s absolutely fine to read this to add to your knowledge. But for the RAB, you need professional writing. Can you find an article written by the NYT writers. Or another source that is written by professional journalists?

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