outline and opening-Kayla Griffiths

1.what saved me 

2. The main focus of my education narrative is to explain how cutting my hair helped me develop connections with genuine people 

Event 1.I decide to cut my hair with the help of my mother and older cousin 

Event 2.i just started middle school and people ask me my gender because of my hair 

Event 3.struggles with self image and social skills 

Event 4.starting to find myself 

conclusion : i found a found a friend group that is not superficial and supportive 

message: self healing takes time and it’s ok not to know how to do something just as long as you don’t give up 


It was a warm summer day when I finally decided to cut most of my hair off with the help of my mother and older cousin. All my life, I struggled with dermatitis. No matter what I did to make my hair grow. It seemed to me at the time that nothing was working. I was extremely embarrassed that It was so hard to take care of my hair when my other female classmates had no problem and seemed to have everything figured out at such a young age. Convinced that cutting my hair would solve all my hair problems, I took a leap of faith. At first, I didn’t mind my hair cut, but as time progressed, I became more and more insecure about my hair length. Oftentimes people couldn’t tell whether or not I was a girl or boy and it bothered me deeply because I was a girl that enjoyed pretty things, because of my hair length I was always assigned the label of a tomboy by others no matter how ‘girly’ I dressed.

In middle school, I found myself as a target of bullies because of my differences. At first, I just let it happen because I thought it would go away but it didn’t. I mustered up the courage to defend myself after talking to my family members about what I was dealing with at school. standing up for myself, made me less insecure and confident in my character than ever and because of this, I found community and friendship with my peers easily. Because of my newfound charisma I found a place where I can finally be myself without worrying about people, judging me on my appearance.

1 thought on “outline and opening-Kayla Griffiths”

  1. This is super late HW — I will give a few comments:

    Would cutting your hair be a good scene? Can you create a scene here?


    For an opening — create a scene of kids at school teasing you — That might make a good opening scene!

    Then you can go backwards to do an explanation of why you had cut your hair.

    Unclear: WHAT saved you? OR is this a story of resilience?

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