Outline and Opening Paragraph –Ilham

  1. I will use the Mentor Quote Prompt. I might also use Between Two Worlds.
  2. The main idea of my education narrative is to show what I went through, throughout elementary, middle, and high school, how it affected my educational life, and how one of my best friends helped me reflect on it.

I. Intro: (opening) Mentor Quote from my best friend(Lalleyah) telling me that “The best view comes after the hardest climb”.

II. Event 1: My first day and experiences in a religious not diverse private school. (elementary school years).

III. Event 2: My experiences in middle school.The FIGHT.

IV. Event 3: How being bullied impacted me, and made me not care about my classes, my grades, and led to my parent’s disapproval of me.

V. Conversation/Dialogue I had with my best friend Lalleyah who helped me change my views on how I see things.

VI. Overall Message : No matter how bad things get, there is always going to be something beautiful waiting for you at the end, and on the other side of our hardships lie our salvation, and to remain motivated by those difficult times knowing that the outcome will be worth it.

4. Opening for my essay:

“The best view comes after the hardest climb”

The sun was shining strongly on that particular Friday afternoon in March, bathing everything in radiant sunlight, making the air feel heavy and sultry. We had just finished Math, which left me, and my friends drained because of how much we hated Math. My friends and I were walking down a flight of twenty straight narrow stairs to the library for Study Hall, talking about how finally this would be the last Math class and the last flight of twenty stairs we would ever take, with graduation coming around the corner in 3 months. As we descended those flights of stairs toward the library, we passed by the middle school hallways. The lockers were left busted wide open, and there were students in a tiny corner behind the classroom door laughing and gossiping, whispering into each other’s ears like they were playing telephone. There were papers and bits and bits of broken chewed-up pencils on the floor. The whole hallway was as loud as a roaring waterfall as the students made their way to their next classes. In my head, I thought about what it was like when we were in middle school.

The moment we entered the library, I was hit by the smell of fresh books and blinded by a sudden ray of sunlight that shone from the window across the room. It was so bright that I had to take my hands and cover my eyes. The library was set in such a way that the moment you walked in, you were greeted by this huge gray table in the middle of the library, with black-coated chairs tucked in. On both sides of the big table, were small-medium tables with the same, black-coated chairs. My friends and I took our designated spot at the back of the library, where they kept the autobiography and historical books stored with the lights dimmed, and sat down as our table embraced us, its worn surface welcoming us back. The names of my friends were, Amanee Jaber, Fatima Shamshad and Lalleyah Camara. We have been best friends ever since middle school. So, when we sat down, we started talking about our Middle School experience and if we noticed anything different in ourselves, in how far we have come and changed. That is when Lalleyah Camara said, “The best view comes after the hardest climb.”

2 thoughts on “Outline and Opening Paragraph –Ilham”

  1. Hello Ilham, I like how illustrative your introduction is, we can see a lot of details about the environment. I like how at then end you share about how close your friends and you are. I also like the quote that your essay is based on.

  2. Good details here. HOWEVER, I am worried that you DO NOT HAVE A CENTRAL FOCUS. The main idea of my education narrative is to show what I went through, throughout elementary, middle, and high school, how it affected my educational life, and how one of my best friends helped me reflect on it.

    EXACTLY WHAT are you talking about — what I went through? it? BE SPECIFIC — WHAT is the focus of this essay? WHat is the hardship that cause you to struggle?

    Your opening does not let me know what the hardship is. It’s a good scene but I am wondering what the point is? Remember that this is a 1000 word paper, so you don’t have a lot of time. You need to make clear there is some struggle coming and what that will be.

    THINK Obama’s opening scene. YOu can already know that there is a conflict from being one of the few black students at the school. THINK Amy Tan’s opening scene. YOu can already sense that she is a writer with a mother who causes her conflict with language skills.

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