Success Tips- Adan

Tip 1: Come to Class (personally)

I personally believe this is the most important tip out of all, from personal experience since I had the most success in classes that I was only in person; and least success in online classes. The reason for the difference in success in my opinion is due to the motivation I get seeing other students do their work and would feel left out if I don’t do my work. Another aspect of not coming to class is missing important pieces of information that can possibly be key to improving your grade in class. I realized that this tip worked for me after I failed an online class in a subject I considered easy. For the most part, most of my motivation that has helped me pass a class, has come from the fact I came to class, took notes, or simply listened to the professor. There may be many reasons to not come to class and expect to be able to do the work from home, however at home there’s many distractions. For example, sitting next to your bed and deciding to take a break from all the work can lead to procrastination. Also, at home, the use of your phone isn’t going to be interrupted; whereas coming to class thinking of using your phone but not using it because it may be seen as disrespectful by other students or the professor. These are small things that add up to lead you to a more studious mentality even if you would rather study alone.

Tip 2: Understand Deadlines

I choose tip 5 as I can be someone to do things last minute or postpone things in the hope that future me would do it. As obvious as this is for some people, others like myself sometimes catch ourselves doing this, yet we still go through with it as we may convince ourselves this time would be different or it wouldn’t matter as much. There’s also the fact that we may forget to do our assignment, this not only can make all the time invested to be worth less since late assignments tend to be deducted points, we can also make our work worthless as some assignments have deadlines with automatic zero if turned in late. Keeping a good mental calendar with assignments is good practice not only for simple tasks like homework but it can also prevent other more important assignments from being forgotten by building habits and helping to do work more efficiently. Not only does doing assignments on time help with grades and prevent work from building up, it also helps with mental peace as most of the time people stress over things they haven’t done, or things they wish they did. Not having the stress of having to do something can help you perform better and consequently lead to more enjoyable day to day life. 

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