Success Tips — Evelyn Castillo

Tip 6: Get to know your professor. 

One tip I would like to use throughout this semester is to get to know of my professors and build a relationship with them. When I was in college in California it was really hard for me to approach my professors since they seemed rather disinterested in students. Since most of the professors there were only focused on their research it made them not have enough time to interact with their students one on one. There were many times in which I wanted to approach them and get to know more about their research but it was hard to do so since I felt like they would not care about my opinion. However, in one of my humanities classes (Introduction to Black Feminism) I approached my professor asking her questions about the topic and resources to take the topic into real life to help others. My professor was extremely kind and helped me to get more into more books and research about the topic, her knowledge was fundamental to my growth as a student and as a person in general. Another thing I would like to try is to follow up with professors because several times I make a good impression but I do not follow up because I get anxious about wasting their time. I would really like to learn to keep these connections for the long term and I am open to learn/ take advice on this topic. 

Tip 7: Find study skills that work for you.

I have been struggling to find study methods that are effective for me since the beginning of college and I am still trying to figure out how I can be more effective when studying. This tip recommends finding a studying schedule based on what time of the day one is more effective studying. I think this advice in general is not an easy one to follow. Most people’s ideal routine is the one where they wake up, go to the gym, go to classes, study, and go to bed. However, we know that this ideal scenario is likely non realistic. For me, day by day varies, clearly there are things I do every day such as eating, showering, stretching, journaling. But the rest of things fall all over the place. To follow this advice we also have to refer to the fact that a regular working cycle does not work the same for women as it does for men. We know most people work from 9 to 5 or go to school from 9 to 5, however, this system was based on a men’s cycle rather than a women’s one. It can definitely be harder as a woman to follow a study routine in which I can be more efficient since this also translates to understanding my hormones and balancing with other factors. As for now I am currently using the calendar planning method, in which I add all my assignment dates in my calendar but I change the deadline to two days before it is actually due. This helps me to finish my assignments before rather and after. Also, this semester will be my first year taking college in person tests so I am trying to find a study method that will help me succeed and acing these exams. 

1 thought on “Success Tips — Evelyn Castillo”

  1. Lots of great explanations here.

    Black Feminism sounds like a great course and wonderful that this professor was influential to you.

    I understand that CALTech professors are more focused on their research because this is a research high caliber university. Maybe the tops! Here at City Tech our focus is more on teaching and you will find teachers care about the students. (At least I hope this will be your experience.)

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