Reading Response to Malcom X- Itzel

Part A

Part B: “My homemade education, gave me with every additional book that i read, a little bit more sensitivity to the deafness, dumbness and blindness that was afflicting the black race in America.”

This quote is significant & important because he taught himself how to read & write in a time where the black race didn’t have much education. The more he continued to read and write the more he realized how much it was lacking for his race. He didn’t have much to learn from but prison had changed his life to have the ability to able to learn how to read & write on his own. Him educating himself made him look at reality different and helped him make his own decisions for himself after having a difficult time in prison. He made sure he took up all the time he had available to keep growing his self taught educational life while being in prison.

2 thoughts on “Reading Response to Malcom X- Itzel”

  1. Itzel — I am glad you are starting the HWs.

    Here I want you to focus on the words of Malcolm X, so you should translate “the deafness, dumbness and blindness that was afflicting the black race in America” into your own words.

    Read Announcements for Feb 4 where I explain how to do this type of HW task.

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