RAB Source Entry 2 Esha

  Source #2 

  Part 1: MLA Citation 

Board, The Editorial. “The School Kids Are Not Alright.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 21 Aug. 2021, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/21/opinion/covid-education-schools.html 

Part 2: Summary 

In the article “The School Kids Are Not Alright” the main idea is Kids aren’t doing well in schools due to the pandemic. According to Jose A many kids had to face difficulties with learning due to the limited opportunities. Based on the research districts with higher proportions of Black and Latino students had more remote schools, and districts with higher poverty rates, on average were more likely to have remote learning. The pandemic made many families extremely poverty stricken. Kids that faced a lot during the pandemic will take longer to recover and will need to catch up on a lot of stuff. According to a study, schools that chose strictly remote learning saw a 42 percent rise in poverty as compared to those that provided full time in person instructions. Kids had to drop out due to the low income they didn’t the enough resources. 

Part 3: Reflection 

In this article I would agree with the author. This is because the author says that kids didn’t have enough resources to attend school. I personally went through this due to the pandemic. It was challenging for me to participate in my online lessons because my family was experiencing hardship due to poverty. In remote learning the instructions given were unclear which made me stress out a lot. I remember I had this forensics class, and the teacher was giving instructions and she called on me to repeat them, but I didn’t know what to say because it was hard for me to understand. Since there was so much going on at the time, including the deaths of many of my family, it was difficult for me to keep up and I also had to fail a class in English. I had to experience a mental meltdown. I agree with this quote “a professor at Stanford University, and his associates finds that schools that went strictly remote experienced a 42 percent increase in disenrollment compared with those that offered full-time in-person learning”. This is because kids didn’t have the technology to do remote learning. Some couldn’t afford it, and some didn’t have the motivation to keep up during remote learning. 

Part 4: Rhetorical Analysis 

This article is an opinion article. The purpose of this article is to tell the audience that not only did mental health play a big role in remote learning, but poverty also impacted a lot of students to focus on schools and online. The tone of this article would be ethos and logos. It states “Latino children were more likely to have remote schooling and that, with all other things being equal, districts with more people living in poverty “were more likely to have remote instruction. “This would be logos because kids that were facing poverty had to have remote instructions, these are facts that are being stated. It states, “Most public schools in the U.S. chose remote-only instruction and enrollment fell dramatically a loss of roughly 1.1 million K-12 students”. This is logos cause when schools opened kids didn’t want to attend anymore because of the anxiety they had throughout remote learning. It states “research by Thomas S. Dee, a professor at Stanford University, and his associates find that schools that went strictly remote experienced a 42 percent increase in disenrollment compared with those that offered full-time in-person learning”. This would be ethos because the research was done by Thomas S. Dee, a professor that was at Standford University, which is a highly best university. 

Part 5: Notable Quotables 

“As Sarah Mervosh of The New York Times describes the situation, the pandemic amplified disadvantages rooted in racial and socioeconomic inequality, transforming an educational gap into a gulf” (Thomas pg. 6 lines 54-56) 

“For starters, states and localities will need to create intensive plans for helping children catch up while moving them through new academic material and to devise systems for measuring progress toward clearly stated goals” (Thomas pg. 13 lines 114-116) 

“Only a small portion of the student body returned to fully opened schools the following fall. The resulting learning setbacks range from grave for all groups of students to catastrophic for poor children.” (Thomas pg. 1 lines 8-12) 

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